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  • Writer's pictureAnya

A Moisturizer as Yummy as it is Effective

Honey is an excellent moisturizer. Multiple studies argue that honey has close to no side effects, provides amazing results and is a cost-effective skincare product.

Honey allows you to 'rest' your skin with its detoxifying properties that remove impurities and chemicals. It also adds back moisture and hydration to your skin - the perfect cleanser. I know it kinda seems weird to "wash your face" with honey but trust me, it works wonders!

Honey has antibacterial, antimicrobial and healing properties that cleanse skin from deep within the tissue. StyleCaster suggests that honey can also cure eczema, acne and other skincare ailments over time.

So here's how I use honey in my routine :

1. Apply a generous layer of honey (about 1.5 tablespoons) on your face and gently rub in circular motions.

2. You may want to add some lemon or cinnamon into this mask. I prefer using honey by itself as my skin is too sensitive for cinnamon or lemon. However,a ton of skincare experts use lemon and cinnamon to remove acne, wrinkles and fine lines. Lemon is also purifying and helps remove toxins from skin.

3. Leave on for at least 15 minutes (if you haven't licked most of it off your face already... I'm so guilty of this!)

4. Wash off with lukewarm water and a mild detergent if necessary.

I hope this article was helpful to you all! Give this honey moisturizer a try and let me know what you think.

P.S - I have an exciting interview coming your way... stay tuned!

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